Monday, September 23, 2013

soup of the day

                                                            Squash you soup

49 degrees. I can’t feel my toes. After spending the last few incredibility windy nights on the rocking unheated Viking, I’m land sick. I stumbled into the bakery this morning to get the captain his favorite coffee this time of year, pumpkin spice. I think this sweet Hullonian couple I met, Dave and Barbara of the ‘Rose Kennedy dollhouse’ thought I was drunk. And the old guy in his signature denim overalls the corner, who is usually on his 4th scratch off card by 8:15am, gave me an approving smile.

Today is soup day! I starting making a Haitian soup called soup Joumou, which conveniently calls for whatever veggies are laying around.  It is a pumpkin based soup that I fell in love with while living in Haiti; it was the only meal the chef of the house I stayed in made that was 'vegetarian'; the most un-com-pre-hin-ble, western word to Haitians. I might as well just said I ate asteroids and lived on Venus. The soup is traditionally made with meat, but Haitian chef Lifete, the Whompi Goldberg of Haiti, had her own version. Just like me.

 I like to create and experiment each time I cook. Perfect for the captain who puts thai hot chili powder on everything I make anyways, killing all subtle delicate flavors. He could live on to-go foods at Tedeschi’s (7-11 of the Northeast) "Food is fuel. It doesn't matter as long the engine runs." 
Little does he know my little creations balance out all those corn syrup solids and mystery meats he involuntarily gets from eating a SAD diet- Standard American Diet. (such a apropos acronym)

                                                You Soup Recipe
              Make it up and be sure to use surprise items found in your refrigerator's bottom drawer

1.     Steam squash, pumpkin, whatever. Toss some chopped up Russet potatoes in the water beneath the squash (so efficient this boatlife is making me)
2.     Drain and set aside (funny how recipes tell you to do the obvious)
3.     Using a little coconut oil (it can handle high temps unlike olive) sauté garlic, onions (if you have, one- shit I meant to buy one), fresh fennel and ginger (great for digestion), cumin, fresh turmeric root and burdock roots, booth of which have powerful properties for cleaning the blood of impurities, like a captain's bag of Milano cookies and half bottle of Goslings mixed with case of high fructose corn syrup Ginger Ale. "Give me a break, babe? Its Sunday funday!" as he continues ripping the linoleum floor from the Viking's galloy to reveal the beautiful dark wood beneath.

‘Let thy food be thy medicine.’- Hippocrates

4.     Add those steaming carbs back into the pot.
5.     Pour in a can of Veggie stock/broth, unless you are a real woman and have time to make a batch.  Add wakame; seaweed is a smart way to get missing minerals like magnesium into the diet. Most of our soils are depleted these days from commercial farming practices of fertilizing, so: ‘Buy local, buy organic.’ I guess Chinese imported seaweed breaks that new age cliché I preach. How can one win?
6.     And my secret ingredient: dock water. I ran out of bottled water, errrh.

7.     Simmer, stir, top with sprouts and serve the ‘starving’ captain before he eats the bag of pretzels while waiting. The Viking will be serving lots of pretzels,compliments of Deli Pretzel Crisps Rep. Nicholas.
iI earned a stack of free pretzels coupon after cutting Nic, a surfer on Nantasket Beach, out of his wetsuit because the zipper was stuck. 
f                                               fine dining on the Viking

 Coming later this week: The Daddy's Hotdog Eating Contest I filmed at this year's Endless summer,                           
                                               Disgustingly awesome! 

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